Tuesday 12 February 2013

Why is it?

Why is it that on all of our monthly anniversaries Neel and I are always fighting? It's like self sabotage...we know it's coming and we get aggravated. Or is it only one of us that tips the scales?
With Valentines Day knocking on the door, I don't know what to do. We've been fighting and not talking for the past 3 days. Things are never gonna work if we can't sort these things out. Long distance relationships are hard enough as it is. All we have left is communication.
I want this to work so badly. I can't even articulate how much I want us to work out. I'm scared to say it aloud because I might jinx it.
More than anything I want to break this vicious cycle of "fighting on anniversaries". We have to celebrate our life...all the little things! We have to stop fighting!

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